Receive jimaworks Royalties

Share your ship/airplane pictures, drawings, or renderings, and/or your most beautiful map images.

Help people build the most handsome display their family histories they possibly can through their jimaworks RelationShips® projects. Provide these people the opportunity to choose your imagery and/or maps in their commemorations of their family's crossings to America.

Provide your imagery, drawings, renderings, and/or maps for people to include in their RelationShips® projects, and for each who makes a purchase, you are rewarded royalties as follows:

10% of the price of each purchase is dedicated to the payment of royalties:

5% of the buy price will be devoted to pictures, drawings, or renderings of the ships, planes, or other vessels that depict a family's crossing(s) to America.

Royalty is calculated at 5% per each sale, so multiple sales of the same image result in multiple royalty payments.

If more than one ship/plane/etc. is used, the 5% royalty will be split evenly among them.

The opportunity to collect royalties is competitive. The customer may be offered multiple images of the same ship and is free to choose any among them.

The customer's choice of ship images is wholly decided by jimaworks. In particular, imagery that lacks characteristics required in the composition of high quality prints, e.g., resolution, contrast, color scheme, etc., may be declined for inclusion in the customer's options.

Imagery that is selected for inclusion in the suite of royalty-producing images in the jimaworks project, may nonetheless require some minor modifications for incorporation in the RelationShips® product. For instance a ship image might have to be flipped horizontally so that it is facing the same direction as the direction of the voyage on the background map, which in turn may require that the horizontally-flipped name on the ship's bow be cut out and re-rendered. If so desired, jimaworks will pass any changes back to the copyright holder for approval prior to its offering to the customer.

5% of the buy price will be devoted to the map backgrounds and seascapes on which the images, etc., of ships, planes, or other vessels will be displayed.

Map and seascale imagery is treated similarly to ship(/airplane/etc.) imagery. All paragraphs under the Royalties description for imagery applies also for the RelationShips® background maps. E.g., if more than one map is used, the 5% royalty will be split evenly among them.

RelationShips® projects may incorporate personal pictures, drawings, renderings, and/or maps contributed by a customer for inclusion into his/her project. These are not subject to the jimaworks royalty calculations.

[Note that jimaworks incorporates its own, Public Domain, and Open Licensed imagery, drawings, renderings, and maps into the offerings of each RelationShips® project. They will be treated the same as any other of these materials, i.e., jimaworks will share in royalties when these imagery, drawing, rendering, and map resources are used in a project.]